South! The Story of Shackleton's Last Expedition 1914-1917-Part 1
by: Ernest Shackleton (1874 - 1922)
Preface - 22:30
Chapter I: Into the Wedell Sea, part 1 - 21:44
Chapter I: Into the Wedell Sea, part 2 - 22:54
Chapter II: New Land, part 1 - 26:05
Chapter II: New Land, part 2 - 25:10
Chapter III: Winter Months, part 1 - 29:37
Chapter III: Winter Months, part 2 - 28:18
Chapter IV: Loss of the Endurance, part 1 - 31:54
Chapter IV: Loss of the Endurance, part 2 - 30:09
Chapter V: Ocean Camp - 39:11
Chapter VI: The March Between - 11:45
Chapter VII: Patience Camp - 23:50
Chapter VIII: Escape from the Ice, part 1 - 26:50
Chapter VIII: Escape from the Ice, part 2 - 27:16
Chapter VIII: Escape from the Ice, part 3 - 22:59
Chapter VIII: Escape from the Ice, part 4 - 23:32
Chapter IX: The Boat Journey, part 1 - 22:20
Chapter IX: The Boat Journey, part 2 - 25:12